Channel Mastery - Ep. 26: Peter Shankman, Founder of Help A Reporter Out (HARO)



peter shankman on how to win in the new customer economy

“There's caring and then there's bullshit. Figure out the middle ground.”

- Peter Shankman


episode preview

What Ogilvy is to advertising, Peter Shankman is to PR. This guy is LEGENDARY – for all the right reasons. He’s passionate in everything he does and the heart of his success is that he’s a connector driven by a genuine desire to help people. And in today’s episode – through the barely muffled squeals of my excitement – Peter shares the secrets to making those connections and why it is so critical in today’s customer economy.

Shankman demystifies and simplifies the very thing we ALL need to be doing: listening to our customers. Prepare to be inspired by….wait for it…things you already have the capacity and skills to do.


Peter Shankman

Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you merge the power of pure creativity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and a dose of adventure and make it work to your advantage. An author, entrepreneur and corporate keynote speaker, this “worldwide connector” is recognized for radical new ways of thinking about customer service, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD.

Peter is best known for founding Help A Reporter Out, (HARO), now owned by Vocus, Inc. He is the founder of ShankMinds: Breakthrough, an online community of business professionals from around the world who come together to give and get advice, increase their business, and improve their lives. He is also founder and CEO of The Geek Factory, Inc., a boutique Social Media, Marketing and PR Strategy firm located in New York City, with clients worldwide.

select quotes

“We have to stop chasing a likes and start doing more likable things.”

“The basic premise of understanding what your audience wants is this: Listen to your audience. They will tell you everything you need to know about them if you just listen.”

“[Just because] I can automate a lot of the stuff I do, but doesn't necessarily mean that everything has to be automated. You can't automate humanism.”

“It’s really about what you can automate without, pardon the expression, coming across like a douche.”

“There's caring and then there's bullshit. Figure out the middle ground.”

“I think the more that companies can create experiences with their audience the more the audience is going to want to continue to use those brands.”

[On younger demographics, aged 13-21] “I can tell you that they're not using Facebook. They're using Facebook to communicate with old people. They're using Snapchat; they're using Instagram. The boys are using Twitter, the girls are using VSCO.”

“They don't mind if a brand follows them, but they want to make sure that only the cool kids are following them on Instagram. Don't try to be cool to the kids. Just sell your product in a way that is real.”

“Ask yourself this question everyday: What do you have more of? What are you good at? What are you better at?”

related links


ShankMinds: Breakthrough

Faster Than Normal

Connect with Peter on LinkedIn

Faster Than Normal Podcast

Shankman Media Course

Shankminds Business Mastermind (Jan. 24 in NYC)

Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

Books by Peter Shankman:Faster Than Normal: Unlocking the Gifts of the ADHD Brand

Can We Do That?!: Outrageous PR Stunts That Work -- And Why Your Company Needs Them

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