how you can continue to create DEI change within your organization - a conversation with camber outdoors

making forward progress with your dei goals

More than a year after the murder of George Floyd and ensuing BLM protests, Kristin Carpenter, host of the Channel Mastery podcast, organized a Facebook Live with Emily Newman and Renita Smith of Camber Outdoors. The live conversation offers an opportunity for brands and businesses in specialty markets and the outdoor industry too ‘check in’ on progress made over the last year [and areas for improvement] in creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace environment.

In June 2020, Camber Outdoors announced a new resources, Tools to Meet the Moment, to help brands and businesses move forward with their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Now, a year after the program was released, Camber invites organizations to revisit the promises they made and continue to learn, act and change within their organizations. With a recent Glassdoor workplace survey reporting that 76% of employees and job seekers said a diverse workforce was very important when evaluating companies and job offers, it’s important now more than ever to continue work in this space.

Tune into the below video for more information on how you can continue to create change within your organization. This video is also available on the Verde Brand Communications Youtube Channel and in podcast form at

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